
The Thriving

OBM Challenge

Leanne Woff holding champagne for the OBM Challenge

The Thriving

OBM Challenge

Stop being overworked and underpaid and build a thriving OBM business.


Dreaming of being a stand-out, sought-after OBM (Online Business Manager) with some exceptional skills and earning a pretty penny?

Ready to start a living a life packed with freedom and choice?

Tired of working 14-hour days and watching weekends pass by?

The Thriving OBM Challenge can help.

You’re committed to your clients, love what you do and eager to get them results but it can be tough finding the right ones. Add on top, being able to give them everything they want, cheaply and it’s impossible.

That’s why I created the Thriving OBM Challenge.

It’s a 4-four day challenge to help you build a 6-figure business, find AH-MAZING clients and leave the
PITAs behind.

Get the Insider Secrets to Becoming a 6-Figure OBM without the 14-Hour Work Days

What’s included:

Short, sharp,

15-minute training videos

Easy, action-focused,

daily challenges

6-Figure OBM Roadmap

& Challenge Workbook

The chance to get your 

questions answered

Free VIP

Facebook Group

“This challenge gave me the confidence and courage to step into that meeting today with the intention to know my value and ask for what it is that I want.

OBM Challenge Bonuses, Leanne Woff holding blue balloons

Two Fabulous Challenge Bonuses

Who doesn’t love a great bonus? Well we’ve got two for you.

Bonus One: Personalised feedback.

As part of the Thriving OBM challenge, you’ll have the ability to submit your daily challenge actions and get personalised feedback from Leanne and the Audacious Empires OBM crew.

Bonus Two: Rad prizes.

Take action and do all four challenge tasks and go into the draw to win a rad prize, delivered to your door. Action gets you traction so we like to reward it!


Who the OBM Challenge is for:

Virtual Assistants of all kinds from all over the world

Wondering if the OBM Challenge is for you? If you’ve made your way to this page, this likelihood is, YES it is. But if you want to get specific, here’s who it was tailor-made for:

Experienced Online Business Manager - cartoon icon

Experienced Online Business Managers

New or seasoned, this challenge has you covered. You’ll learn to see the possibilities as an OBM in a new way no matter how long you’ve been OBMing for.

General admin virtual assistants - cartoon icon

General Admin Virtual Assistants

Love supporting clients with your general admin and all-rounder talents? This challenge will teach you how to give your clients what they need so they love you back.

Project managers - cartoon icon

Virtual Project Managers

If you want to get yourself better projects to manage and clients to partner with, this challenge is for you.

New Virtual Assistants - cartoon icon

New Virtual Assistants

New to the VA world? No problem, the prinicples you’ll learn in this challenge will serve you for your entire journey.

Operations Managers - cartoon icon

Operations Managers

Operations management takes skill and then some! Do you get paid for your expertise and coordination flair? The challenge will get you sorted.

Why should you join The Thriving OBM Challenge?

Finding OBM friends is hard.

Being an Online Business Manager can be lonely. Working in an industry that’s still fairly new. Facing those blank faces when people ask ‘what you do’ as you awkwardly try to explain.

When you have ideas or get stuck and look for a sounding board, all you’ve got your lovable but lacking furry sidekick.

This challenge gives you the opportunity to make real-life connections, to find OBMs who’ll travel the journey with you. 

Finding decent OBM training is harder.

If you’re an OBM in Australia, I don’t need to tell you how hard it is to find decent OBM-tailored training. You want to learn, grow, be the best of the best. And that requires high-quality, high-calibre, effective education.

Not some half-baked, slapped together one-pager that doesn’t really get you anywhere.

This challenge is different, it was designed by award-winning OBMs for OBMs and gives you what you need to take action.


Finding time to get ahead is impossible. 

When you’ve got no time and space, how are you meant to do what’s needed to move your business forward? You could learn a bunch of things but not be able to take-action, you could sacrifice client work but you don’t want to let them down or you could continue working until midnight to make space. 

The challenge will show you how to get off the too-busy hamster wheel and only takes you 30 minutes a day for four days.

Oh and you’ll walkaway with…

The core foundation to create a premium service offering you love

A quick-and-easy mechanism to distinguish AH-MAZING clients from PITAs

The secret to overcoming the biggest hurdle to wildly-profitable pricing

Clear understanding of what OBM clients really want

“I’ve just put my prices up for the second time in 4 years, based on what I’d like to be earning and how much I want to be working and the client accepted SO easily.

Meet Leanne and Chloe

Kick-ass OBMs and Challenge leaders.

Leanne Woff OBM Challenge trainer

Leanne Woff

Leanne is the founder and an award-winning online business manager, integrator, an avid business networker, a systems junkie, a tech lover.

She’s the mother of 6 kids – two sets of twins, and two foster babies with an uncanny ability to spill every single cup of coffee she attempts to drink.

Leanne is here to help you redefine your journey and banish mediocre together.

Chloe Whitehead OBM Challenge trainer

Chloe Whitehead

Chloe is the Captain of Operations and Business Integration at Audacious Empires. She has the drive, the determination, the capability, and everything it takes to steer our clients into the direction they need to be in.

Chloe is a wife, a friend and a mother to 4 kids – a son who has inherited her cheeky personality and 3 gorgeous step-daughters with a freaky ability to win those plush teddies you see in arcade Claw Machines.

Answers to Your Questions

Is this challenge only for new Virtual Assistants?

No, the principles you learn in this challenge and the challenge tasks are designed for brand new and experienced Virtual Assistants and OBMs.

Do I need to be in Australia?

No, although we’re practising OBMs in Australia, what you’ll learn is relevant to all countries. We’ve had people from the US, UK, NZ, India and Asia take part in the challenge – people from all over the world.

How does the challenge run?

Each day for four days, there will be a 15-minute short challenge training for you to watch. All of the trainings are recorded and you’re able to watch at a time of day that suits you.

Once you’ve watched the video, there will be a challenge action task for you to do that day. These tasks are designed to help you move the needle towards owning a thriving OBM business and should only take 15 minutes to complete.

Is there support? What if I get stuck?

Yes, throughout the challenge, if you’re stuck or have a question related to the OBM training videos, you’ll have the opportunity to contact the team and get the answers you need.

How is the challenge delivered?

Once you’ve signed up to join the OBM Challenge, you’ll receive an email with access to our OBM training platform. You’ll be able to access all the training videos here. 

You’ll receive an email each day with a link to the day’s OBM training video as well as your task to complete.

How long do I have access to the content?

You’ll have access to the challenge training videos, tasks and resources for 12-months. 

How do the prizes work?

Each day everyone will be given the opportunity to do the challenge action and share with the group. The following morning a winner will be select at random from a list of those who completed the previous day’s challenge.

There’ll also be a BONUS prize announced at the end of the challenge. Everyone who completes all four challenge tasks (one for each day) will go into the draw to win the bonus prize at the end – as a reward for your commitment to yourself!

Thank you so very much for everything you have so generously shared over this last week. It’s reignited my spark for creating the business I have always longed for but have never known how to go about it. I wish I could express just how much that means to me but right now as I type this to you I have tears of gratitude in my eyes. I’ve had such a great time being part of this challenge with you all.

Fleur Myers

I’ve loved the OBM challenge! It has given me new insights into my capability and value.

Kylie Woodhead

Project and Events Specialist, Project Kai AU

I love that the OBM Challenge is short and sharp. And the actions are easy to complete. So many times I’ve done training and got lost in the hour long sessions, especially if I’ve had to watch the replays and just give up!


Virtual Assistant, The Virtual Element

I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for organising and facilitating such an incredible challenge. Participating in this challenge has had a significant impact on me. Your expertly crafted content and engaging exercises have rejuvenated my spirits and reminded me of the value I bring to my work. A BIG Thank You.

Prue Thomaidis

Virtual Assistant

The OBM challenge was great. I liked the focus of each day and that it got me to articulate my skills.

Hannah Wood

Online Business Manager

Eliza OBM Challenge Testimonial screenshot
Ashleigh OBM Challenge Testimonial screenshot
Kylie OBM Challenge Testimonial screenshot
Fleur OBM Challenge Testimonial screenshot
Eliza OBM Challenge Testimonial screenshot

Join The Thriving OBM Challenge

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