OBM Service Packaging and Pricing Workshop with Leanne Woff

Do you struggle with pricing? How about packaging?

Pricing is the number you attach to your services, packaging is the things you include in that service. The two go hand-in-hand.

Want to move away from charging by the hour but not sure how?

In this recorded 2-hour workshop, I’ll walk you through the steps to create easy, profitable packages you love. This packaging workshop is split into two sections; part education and part action. First I’ll teach you the fundamentals to creating awesome packages and then you’ll get started working on yours!

You’ll walk away with:

– My signature CASHUP packaging method – easy to remember, easy to use

– A simple and effective packaging template to create as many packages as your heart desires

– A clear repeatable process on how to creating profitable packages as your business grows

– A fun and easy way to get all the ideas of what to include out of your head

– Knowledge on how to use those ideas to form strong foundations for your packages

– Ability to increase perceived package value using leveraged assets

– Confidently priced packages that feel good

– Your first pricing package created or optimised if you already have one

– What are you waiting for? Let’s get you packaged and profitable.