
How I doubled what I charged overnight

As an online business manager (OBM), pricing your services can be a daunting task. It’s a common struggle that many OBMs face, wrestling with the fear of undervaluing their skills or overpricing themselves out of the market. However, as Leanne Woff’s inspiring journey shows, mastering the art of pricing and packaging is not only achievable but can also be the key to unlocking a wildly profitable business.

In a recent episode of The Audacious OBM Podcast, Leanne candidly shared her transformative experience of transitioning from charging her OBM clients $2,000 a month to confidently doubling her rates to $4,000 per month. Her story offers valuable insights for ambitious OBMs seeking to elevate their businesses, attract premium clients, and achieve a fulfilling work-life balance.

“Pricing is tricky. That is a belief we tend to have and it is something we tend to tell ourselves. We can be confident in our skills, we can be confident in our ability to work with clients and speak to clients, in our ability to get them outcomes, but when it comes to sticking a price tag on that, we wobble.”


What this post covers:

    • Pricing is a common struggle for many OBMs, but mastery can be achieved through iterations.
    • Transitioning from an hourly rate to a package-based model allowed Leanne to scale her business and increase her income potential.
    • Observing patterns and identifying common tasks across clients helped Leanne develop her initial packages.
    • Shifting to outcome-based and value-based packages aligned her offerings with client goals and desired results.
    • Mapping packages to different business stages and providing rationale for the included services strengthened the positioning.
    • Despite initial hesitations, Leanne mustered the courage to publish her newly priced packages, which resonated with clients.
    • The higher-priced packages attracted better-fit clients and enabled Leanne to focus on the work she truly enjoyed.
    • Leanne emphasises the importance of continuous improvement in pricing and packaging to elevate the OBM industry as a whole.
    • Mindset challenges around pricing can be overcome through training, templates, and support, as offered in Leanne’s OBM Academy program.
    • By confidently charging rates that reflect their value, OBMs can set a positive precedent and diminish the demand for bargain-basement rates.

Tune in to listen:

1. The Limitations of the Hourly Rate Model

Initially, the business was operated under an hourly rate model, charging clients for the time she spent on tasks. However, she soon realised the inherent limitations of this approach. As her client base grew and her available hours became fully booked, her income potential hit a ceiling. Recognising the need for a scalable solution, Leanne embarked on a journey to explore alternative pricing models.

2. Embracing the Power of Packaging

Leanne’s turning point came when she discovered the concept of packaging. By observing patterns and identifying common tasks across her clients, she began to bundle her services into well-defined packages. This strategic approach not only provided clarity for her clients but also allowed her to align her offerings with their desired outcomes and goals.

“I looked at all the different things, different skills that I had, that my employee had. And I made a big, massive spreadsheet of all the different things. And then I thought about the clients that we had and the things that were common for them.”

3. Mapping Packages to Business Stages

One of the key elements of Leanne’s packaging strategy was mapping her offerings to different business stages. By understanding the unique goals and challenges faced by businesses at various growth phases, she could tailor her packages to deliver targeted value. This approach not only strengthened the positioning of her services but also ensured that clients received the right support at the right time.

“So what this meant is that I could look at all my clients, I could look at what I was doing for them, and I could sit and think about the value of what I was doing, how that felt for my clients. What value did that give them? Not what stuff was I doing, but what did it really mean? What goals did it help them achieve? And what was my way of doing that?”

4. Embracing Risk and Reaping Rewards

Despite initial hesitations, Leanne mustered the courage to publish her newly priced packages on her website, effectively doubling her rates overnight. The decision, while daunting, proved to be a resounding success. Not only did clients resonate with the value proposition, but the higher-priced packages also attracted better-fit clients who appreciated the quality of Leanne’s services.

“So, overnight I put my packages on my website and I doubled the price of those packages. So instead of it being a minimum to work with us of two grand a month, I changed it to four and said, what do I have to lose?”

“It was all positioning and a little bit of tweaking and a heck of a lot of risky confidence.”


5. Elevating the OBM Industry

Leanne’s story is not just about personal success; it’s also a rallying cry for the entire OBM industry. By confidently charging rates that reflect their true value, OBMs can set a positive precedent and diminish the demand for bargain-basement rates. As Leanne emphasises, continuous improvement in pricing and packaging strategies is crucial for elevating the industry as a whole.

6. Overcoming Mindset Hurdles

One of the most significant challenges Leanne faced was overcoming her own mindset hurdles surrounding pricing. However, through training, templates, and support systems like her OBM Academy program, she learned to reframe her perspective and embrace her worth.

“If pricing and packaging is something that you want to explore more, please go and check out OBM Academy. We go into this in depth. I will teach you how to make these packages. I give you everything that I have learned, the templates that I used, the training that I did. We look at the mindset issues,” Leanne shared.


Over to You

Leanne Woff’s journey from charging $2,000 a month to confidently doubling her rates to $4,000 is a testament to the power of strategic pricing, packaging, and an unwavering belief in one’s value. By embracing change, taking calculated risks, and continuously refining her approach, Leanne not only transformed her own business but also set an inspirational example for the entire OBM community.

For ambitious OBMs seeking to build wildly profitable businesses, work with premium clients, and achieve a fulfilling life, Leanne’s story offers invaluable lessons. By adopting a package-based model aligned with client outcomes, mapping offerings to business stages, and overcoming mindset barriers, OBMs can unlock their true potential and pave the way for a thriving industry.

If you’re ready to embark on your own transformative journey, be sure to listen to the full podcast episode for more insights and actionable strategies from Leanne’s experience. And for those seeking comprehensive training and support, consider exploring Leanne’s OBM Academy program, where she generously shares her expertise, templates, and tools for mastering the art of pricing and packaging.

What has been your biggest mindset hurdle when it comes to pricing your services as an OBM, and how have you overcome or worked to reframe that limiting belief?

>> Powerfully Package Your OBM Offerings


OBM Service Packaging and Pricing Workshop with Leanne WoffNow that you know top reasons for upping rates, avoid trading time for money with packaged services.

Check out my Powerful Service Packaging Workshop to easily create profitable packages leveraging my signature CASHUP methodology.

Pricing with purpose is possible – learn how!

BUY NOW: https://leannewoff.com/products/powerful-service-packaging-workshop/