
What qualifications do I need to be an OBM?

As an online business manager (OBM) or virtual assistant, have you ever felt held back by the lack of formal qualifications or certifications? In an industry where no governing body dictates the prerequisites, it’s easy to fall into the trap of self-doubt. But what if we told you that the key to becoming an exceptional OBM lies not in fancy degrees or courses, but in the invaluable lessons life has taught you? In this blog post, we’ll delve into the eye-opening perspective shared by Leanne Woff, an industry expert who challenges traditional beliefs about the qualifications necessary for OBM success.

What this post covers:

    • There is no governing body or official certification required to be an OBM.
    • The #1 qualification needed to be an exceptional OBM is life experience.
    • Soft skills like decision-making, problem-solving, and communication are more valuable than technical skills.
    • Your life experiences have equipped you with invaluable soft skills that make you an asset as an OBM.
    • Reframing how you view and position your experiences is key to confidently calling yourself an OBM.
    • Don’t underestimate the value of your diverse experiences and abilities.
    • Courses and certifications can boost your business but aren’t mandatory for success.
    • Identifying and leveraging your unique skill set is more important than relying on titles or degrees.
    • OBM Academy helps students uncover their strengths and position themselves effectively.
    • Leanne’s approach challenges traditional beliefs about necessary qualifications for OBMs.

Tune in to listen:

1. The Myth of the Mandatory Certification

Traditionally, many industries have been governed by regulatory bodies that establish the criteria for professionals to call themselves qualified. From builders to doctors, these formal qualifications provide a sense of security and credibility. However, the OBM and virtual assistant industries operate differently – there is no overarching governing body or mandatory certification required to embrace these roles.

2. Redefining the True Qualification

Leanne Woff, an experienced OBM coach, takes a bold stance: the one qualification you need to be an exceptional OBM is life experience. Wait, what? Yes, you read that right. According to Leanne, the soft skills cultivated through your life’s journey are far more valuable than any technical proficiency or course certification.

“I believe the truth is the one qualification that you need to be an exceptional OBM is life experience. Which, hey, I said it was controversial. It’s not the answer that you probably thought you were going to hear”.

According to Leanne, the soft skills cultivated through your life’s journey are far more valuable than any technical proficiency or course certification.

3. Soft Skills: The Game-Changers

In the world of online business management, soft skills reign supreme. Decision-making, problem-solving, effective communication, and the ability to navigate difficult conversations are just a few of the essential skills that set exceptional OBMs apart. These competencies are not taught in a classroom but are honed through real-life experiences – the very experiences that make you uniquely qualified for the role.

“But in my opinion, life experience and soft skills is the one qualification, that is the thing that you need. And the beautiful part of this is we already have that. That is our foundation, so you’ve already got that first step”.

4. Unlocking Your Inherent Value

One of Leanne’s students, a virtual assistant, initially struggled to position herself as an OBM due to a lack of formal qualifications. However, upon examining her diverse experiences and skills, Leanne recognised the immense value she possessed.

“I was a little bit gobsmacked, and that went in my video back to her saying, Look at all of this stuff! I could dissect this in 10 different ways of however you want to position yourself because of how much experience you have”.

From setting clear goals for clients to problem-solving complex scenarios, this student’s life experiences had equipped her with the soft skills that are the hallmark of an exceptional OBM.

5. Reframing Your Perspective

Leanne’s approach challenges the traditional belief that certifications are a prerequisite for success. Instead, she encourages OBMs and virtual assistants to reframe their perspective and recognise the inherent value in their life experiences. By identifying and leveraging their unique skill sets, they can confidently position themselves as exceptional professionals, regardless of the lack of formal qualifications.

6. The Role of Courses and Certifications

While courses and certifications can undoubtedly boost your business and credibility, Leanne argues that they are not mandatory for success.

“So while you can go and source courses, learn different tools, learn ways to operate your business, do certifications and build your credibility, those all have their place and very good places. But in my opinion, life experience and soft skills is the one qualification, that is the thing that you need.”

Instead, the focus should be on identifying and capitalising on the soft skills you’ve already acquired through your life’s journey.


7. Unleashing Your Potential with OBM Academy

Leanne’s OBM Academy provides a supportive environment for virtual assistants and aspiring OBMs to uncover their strengths and position themselves effectively in the industry. Through weekly coaching calls and assessments, students gain the confidence to embrace their unique expertise and market themselves as exceptional professionals.

Over to You

In the world of online business management, the true qualification lies not in fancy degrees or certifications but in the invaluable lessons life has taught you. By recognising the soft skills cultivated through your diverse experiences, you can confidently step into your role as an exceptional OBM. Embrace your life’s journey, reframe your perspective, and unleash your full potential. Listen to the full podcast episode to gain even more insights from Leanne Woff and start your journey towards becoming a wildly successful and confident OBM today.

Have you been hesitating to call yourself an OBM because you thought you lacked the right qualifications? What experiences from your own life journey do you think have equipped you with valuable soft skills for online business management? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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