
Making it easy to train and onboard new team members

A big question that OBMs have, especially once we have gotten a little bit of traction in our business, is the question of “To expand my team or not to expand my team?” And if I do choose to expand, how do I train and onboard new team members without it becoming a nightmare?

Whether you are going to choose to bring on a new person into your team, or whether you just want to be a solo person in your OBM business, the choice is totally yours and there are pros and cons to both.

As an online business manager (OBM), virtual assistant, or operations manager, you’re well-versed in juggling multiple responsibilities. From managing a household and keeping track of a busy schedule to running your online business, you’re a true master of multitasking. However, as your business grows, you’ll likely find yourself in need of some extra help. Onboarding and training new team members can be a daunting task, but it’s crucial for the success and scalability of your business.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through 13 steps to effectively onboard and train new team members, based on a recent podcast episode.

What this post covers:

    • Document Current Processes
    • Role Clarity
    • Recruitment Strategies
    • Mindset Shift
    • Train with Reasoning
    • Expect and Manage Mistakes
    • Effective Briefing
    • Gradual Capacity Building
    • Handling Overwhelm
    • Time and Expectation Management

Tune in to listen:

1. Document Current Processes

Before you bring new team members on board, it’s crucial that you document all your existing business processes. This step not only allows you to provide your new hires with clear, easy-to-follow guidelines but also helps you identify and eliminate any bottlenecks or redundancies in your operations.

Data-driven decisions are key to scaling and optimising your business. By tracking and analysing the right metrics, you can identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions.”

2. Role Clarity

To ensure a smooth and successful onboarding experience, it’s vital that you clearly define the roles and responsibilities of your new team members. Be transparent about your expectations, and make sure that each team member understands how their work contributes to the overall success of the business. This approach will not only boost your team’s morale and motivation but also enable them to provide your premium clients with the top-notch service they deserve.

3. Recruitment Strategies

Finding the right people to join your team can be a challenge, especially when you’re looking for individuals who can seamlessly blend family and business responsibilities, just like you. To attract the best candidates, consider leveraging your personal and professional networks, using social media platforms, and promoting your open positions in relevant online communities.

Building a strong, reliable team is essential for the success of your business. As an Online Business Manager or Business Integrator, focus on nurturing your team’s skills, fostering open communication, and providing the support they need to thrive.

4. Mindset Shift

As you transition from a solo entrepreneur to a team leader, it’s essential that you embrace a new mindset. Be prepared to delegate tasks, trust your team members, and relinquish some of the control you’re used to having. Remember, empowering your team will not only lighten your workload but also pave the way for your business’s growth and scalability.

5. Train with Reasoning

When training your new team members, make sure to not only explain how to perform a particular task but also provide them with the reasoning behind it. This approach will enable your team to make informed, intelligent decisions in the future and contribute to the ongoing optimisation and improvement of your business processes.

6. Expect and Manage Mistakes

Mistakes are an inevitable part of any learning process, so don’t be disheartened if your new hires don’t get everything right from the get-go. Instead, view their slip-ups as opportunities for growth, and provide them with constructive, compassionate feedback.

7. Effective Briefing

Clear, concise, and thorough briefings are the cornerstones of any successful team collaboration. To ensure that your team members fully understand their tasks and deliverables, consider using project management tools, such as Asana or Trello, and schedule regular check-ins to address any questions or concerns they might have.

8. Gradual Capacity Building

Avoid overwhelming your new team members by gradually increasing their workload as they become more comfortable and confident in their roles. This approach will not only prevent burnout but also allow you to assess each team member’s capabilities and potential for growth.

9. Handling Overwhelm

As a team leader, it’s essential that you’re attuned to your team members’ emotional well-being and provide them with the necessary support during

One of the biggest pain points for entrepreneurs is feeling overwhelmed and stuck in the day-to-day operations. To combat this, it’s crucial to set boundaries, prioritise your tasks, and learn to delegate effectively.”

10. Time and Expectation Management

Effective time and expectation management is essential for Online Business Managers, Business Integrators, and the empire builders they serve. Balancing multiple tasks, projects, and team members requires an understanding of how to best allocate time and resources, as well as the ability to communicate and set realistic expectations with clients and team members.

11. Understanding Your Value as an OBM

As an OBM, you offer a unique set of skills and experience that can have a significant impact on a client’s business. Make sure your new team member understands what this value is, how to articulate it to clients, and how to deliver it in their work.

12. Attracting the Right Clients

Finding and attracting the right clients is crucial for the success of your business. Share your strategies for client attraction with your new team member, including how to identify your ideal client, how to market your services to them, and how to convert them into paying clients.

13. Client Satisfaction and Retention

Last but not least, keeping your clients happy and ensuring they come back for more is key. Teach your new team member how to understand and meet their clients’ needs, how to handle client feedback, and how to build strong, lasting relationships with clients.


Useful links

Over to You

Expanding your solo OBM practice into a team-oriented structure is a journey filled with learning and opportunities. Remember, transforming operational complexities into streamlined processes not only propels your business forward but also enriches your team’s professional experience. Tune into this episode to harness the full potential of your growing team and ensure your empire not only expands but thrives. We’re excited to see how you implement these strategies, and remember, the Audacious OBM community is here to support you every step of the way

What specific strategies or tools have helped you systemise your online business and scale it without compromising your life priorities?
We’d love to hear about your experiences and learn from your valuable insights in the comments section below.


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