
Practical Tips for Online Business Managers

Are you an Online Business Manager (OBM) who consistently over-delivers and struggles with scope creep? If so, you’re not alone. Many OBMs fall into the trap of doing more than they said they would, feeling compelled to go above and beyond to please their clients. But this can lead to feelings of being ripped off, undervalued, and underpaid. In this blog post, we’ll share how to stop scope creep and over-delivering, exploring why OBMs over-deliver and why scope creep is such a big issue in service-based industries.

What this post covers:

  • The reasons why OBMs tend to over-deliver
  • The negative effects of over-delivering on your business and clients
  • The importance of managing scope creep
  • Practical tips for preventing over-delivering and setting boundaries

Tune in to listen:

Why OBMs Over-Deliver

As an OBM, you likely have a natural desire to please your clients and provide exceptional service. This can lead to a tendency to over-deliver, or do more than you originally agreed to in your scope of work.

While it may seem like going above and beyond is a good thing, it can quickly lead to exhaustion and a lack of profitability. When you over-deliver, you’re essentially giving away your time and expertise for free. Over time, this can lead to burnout and resentment towards your clients.

The biggest reason that OBMs will over deliver is because of insecurity.

The Negative Effects of Over-Delivering

Over-delivering can have negative effects on both your business and your clients. When you over-deliver, you’re not only working for free, but you’re also setting a precedent for the level of service your clients expect. This can make it difficult to charge fair prices for your services and can lead to clients taking advantage of your willingness to over-deliver.

Additionally, over-delivering can lead to a lack of focus and clarity in your business. When you’re constantly going above and beyond for your clients, it can be difficult to focus on your own needs and the needs of your business.

“Over-delivering is a form of self-sabotage. It’s a way of saying ‘I’m not good enough as I am,’ and it can lead to burnout and resentment. Focus on delivering what you promised and creating win-win relationships instead.” Suzanne Chadwick

Practical Tips for Preventing Over-Delivery

To prevent over-delivering, it’s essential to address the underlying reasons for it. Here are some practical tips:

  1. Combat insecurity by looking at people who’ve been where you are and are telling you that over-delivering doesn’t work.
  2. Plan more to ensure your scope of work is crystal clear, so you’re not second-guessing yourself or leaving room for interpretation.
  3. Practice explaining the scope of work to clients and set expectations upfront. Go through the scope with your client in the first call, so they’re fully on board.
  4. Set boundaries and stick to them. It’s essential to kindly say no to clients when necessary and resist the temptation to let scope creep occur.
  5. Rein in excitement for innovation and avoid going down rabbit holes in the middle of a client project.
  6. Create a process for delivering your services, so you know the steps you need to take and can follow them efficiently.
  7. Think about the bigger picture. Consider the long-term impact of over-delivering on your business, team, and profitability.

Scope Creep: What It Is and How to Prevent It

Scope creep is a common issue in service-based industries where the scope of work is not clearly defined, and clients ask for additional tasks or features. This can lead to over-delivering, as OBMs feel pressure to fulfil the client’s requests.

To prevent scope creep, it’s essential to have a clear scope of work that outlines what is included and what is not included. This can be achieved by planning more and thinking about the outcome the client wants and breaking it down into manageable tasks. Setting boundaries and kindly saying no to clients when necessary is also important.

Practical Tips for Stopping Scope Creep

  1. Set Clear Expectations Upfront: Clearly define the scope of work for each project and communicate it to your clients. Be sure to include any restrictions or limitations in the scope of work.
  2. Prioritise Your Own Needs: Before agreeing to any additional work or tasks, consider whether they align with your own goals and priorities for your business.
  3. Regularly Check-In with Clients: Regularly communicate with your clients to ensure that you’re meeting their needs and expectations. This can also help to identify any potential scope creep before it becomes a problem.
  4. Set Boundaries: It’s important to establish clear boundaries with your clients to prevent over-delivering. This may include setting limits on the number of revisions you’re willing to do, or clearly communicating the additional costs associated with additional work or tasks.

Client’s will assume you’re going to include certain things because they don’t know any different. It’s your job to fill in the blanks.

Preventing over-delivering and managing scope creep is essential to running a successful and profitable Online Business Management business. By establishing clear boundaries, setting expectations upfront, and regularly communicating with your clients, you can prevent scope creep and maintain profitability in your business.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that setting boundaries and preventing over-delivering is not only good for your business, but also for your clients. When you’re able to deliver high-quality services within the scope of work agreed upon, your clients will be happier and more satisfied with the results.

Over to you

Have you struggled with over-delivering or scope creep in your business? What strategies have you found most effective for managing these issues? Share your experiences and insights in the comments below!